Last updated

Device JavaScript

To finalize your integration, NoFraud requires that you place our Device JavaScript tag on your site.

This script will capture device information (i.e. device, operating system, browser, versions, etc.) in addition to the customer's IP address from your site. When NoFraud receives a transaction from your store our system will match the IP address included in the transaction with the IP address captured by our script; linking the device information to your transaction.

Device information is an effective indicator of fraud and will greatly improve the accuracy of our decisions for your transactions. The addition of this script on your site is required in order to integrate with NoFraud.

The script tag must be placed in a location where you can ensure it will load at least once for each customer completing a purchase. Typically, the best location for this would be the cart and/or checkout page. We recommend placing the script towards the bottom of your <body> element or in your site's <footer> element.

The Device JavaScript HTML tag resembles the following. You will need to replace {UPDATE_CODE_HERE} with your account code.

<script type='text/javascript' src='{UPDATE_CODE_HERE}/customer_code.js'></script>

You can find a JavaScript HTML tag pre-populated with your account code on your Integrations page which you can copy directly into your site's HTML.

Device Javascript

If you have multiple integrations with NoFraud, all integrations will use the same Device JavaScript HTML tag listed above.